Rock’s Home School
Week 6, 06 -10 Feb 2023
Mon 6th Feb 2023
Today was a public holiday so I played Fortnite on the PS5 for about 2-3 hours. Today my mum is supposed to be spending time with me but we started having time together from 2pm-7pm so we had 5 hours together and we could of had 7 hours and 30 minutes if she wouldn’t stop talking.
The things my mum and I did was teaching her a Japanese origami that my cousin Lina taught me and it came out very good. The next thing that happend was playing a game of Mario Party Superstars and I won with four stars in total, my mum had 3 stars in total and stole one from the computer. We finished the day together by going on a very long electric scooter ride.
Tuesday 7th Feb 2023
Today I wrote a party plan for my birthday on Microsoft Excel. I am using Excel because I can write on different sheets and go from sheet to sheet which have all the different sections for my party.
Then I did a perfect lesson of Duolingo Indonesion to practise even though we are not in bali any more, I did French to but the only thing that stoped me from getting a perfect was one wrong lesson.
I went out to the garden to do all the plant watering because they need a water on a very hot day like today. I found a redback spider behind the roof water to sewer pipes (gutter pipes). In our lemon tree, some how were catipillars and even when they are in the spider web from a spider they still escaped!
My dad and I started looking at electroculture on the intanet, electroculture is using copper wire and the atmospheres energy to double the size of a plant in about 28 days. We are going to create a STEM school project on this.
Wed 8th Feb 2023
erid Today I got a nearly perfect lesson on Indosesian Bahasa and I forgot to take a screen grab. A screen grab is when you take a photo of your Device in sted of taking a photo of the actual screen.
I then did five pages of Naplan math, for the first two pages I did not get that good grades, for the second two I got really good grades. I liked the mesuring page where you need to work out perimeters, working out centimetres in metres, drawing lines in centimetres, and are in square centimetres.
I then did a narative writing page called Trefin, Trefin is a story about a Witch called Ceridwen that lives in the rugged mountains of South Wales, Ceridwen had two children, A beautiful daughter called Cerys, and an ugly son called Avagon. Ceridwen made a potion for Avagon so he has Knoledge, Inspiration and also to see all secrets of the world for past, present and future so everone will think he is clever and also stop laughing at his uglyness. When the asisstant Gwyn was brewing and stiring the potion there were three little but VERY! powerful chrystals and went into Gwyns hand so her licked it and im edietly saw all the secrets of the world for past, present and future, while having all the secrets he also had wisdom inparation and knoledge. Ceridwen was determent to kill Gwyn when Gwyn fled in terror. Ceridwen chased after Gwyn determent to kill him. Gwyn changed into a swift hare for when Ceridwen changed into a sprinting gray hound and ran even faster. He dived into a river and changed to a darting fish, but she turned into a slinky otter and still persued him, he took flight and became a scurrying field mouse. Ceridwen turned into a preying owl though. he dived in wheat and became a golden grain for then Ceridwen became a pecking hen and ate the golden grain. Ceridwen caried the grain for 9 mounths and Gwyn was reborn. she had planned to kill him but he looked so beautiful so instead she wraped him in some blankets and cast him adrift at sea on a little boat to sea if he would survive or not. The child was rescued by a prince called Ethen, who called.
My dad and I was editing my shockwave hammer video and it was not that good of a video so we are going to make a new film.
Thursday 9th March 2023
Today I also went out to trigg beach for my first EVER!!! paid modeling shoot, YAY! we all get 200 dollars each. First my mum and I had to ride scooters up a tiny little pathway hill, my mum rode and electric scooter and I rode my red kick scooter, WAH!!!. I loved feeling the hapiness of getting paid from making videos from photos.
This afternoom I did some mental math so I can get up to week six from week four. I did not as good on the first then the second. On the secon page there was this really simple and eazy question which is what is the number after 999.