Rock’s Home School
Week 7, 13 -17 March 2023
Mon 13th March 2023
This morning I did two pages of mental math but it took quite a long time because I was on the floor with my teddies so I had a lie down with my teddies.
My Nanna and I played a game where you have to do colounm method by rolling a 10 sided dice for an amount of times and add it all up to see who has the biggest number, you can add, subtcract, multipli and if you are really smart you can use division.
My Nanna got me to read three pages of things about electroculture like a person who did electroculture in the 1970s called victor said that you don’t need pestasides but the local counsil said no and pettitioned against him because the local cousil was selling pestasides and most of all people agreed on the local cousil to buy pestasides and disagreed to do electroculture well who whould want to spend money to grow when you just need to put a copper wire antena on your plants to make it grow faster and make it cheaper. You want it to grow faster but lots of people want to spend money and grow it slower then doing electroculture. My Nanna also got me to tell her some things I already knew about electroculture like a lady tried it and she had her plant grow double the size in 28 days.
To finish the day off by having fun I went to go to golf and I played greedy gators and I got quite alot of balls in the gator mouth like you are putting a ball in its greedy mouth and choking it, on the driving range I hit balls for about half an hour and did not do that good but even when I was not doing it right Ackzel the couch did not help.
Tuesday 14th March 2023
Today I did two pages of mental math to improve my brain, my favorite thing in the mental math pages that I did today is the nets of 3d objects like the cube.
My Nanna got me to find five words that my Nanna highlighted in the thing about electroculture pages all in the dictionary exepet one.
I finished the day off by doing three days of my website
Wed 15th March 2023
This morning I did a page of mental math. The first thing I did was three problem solving sqaures from Monday to Wednesday in the mental math because this morning I hit my head on a little leadge near the Dj decks. I then did a day of mental math.
My Nanna got me to lucky dip the talk about the word you picked up for one minute box and I got roads so I had to write down things about roads. I did one and a half pages.
I then learnt about the aboriganil places of Austrailia in my year three geography book. I learnt about where all the tribes of aboriganals.
I also coloured in the Torres Strait Island flag
I finished the day off by doing three days of my website.
I also had alot of fun colouring in the leaves of my cockatoo couloring in.
Thursday 16th March 2023
This morning I did a Duolingo lesson to get a 30 day streak so now I am inn the streak society which is when you build yoou lose your your streak you get reward and when you lose your streak you lose rewards.
days to school holidays.
My dad and I made a Roblox Doors Crusifix because I really like the horror game on Roblox, Roblox Doors. The Crusifix has came in at the new update of Hotel +.
We opened the image above in Photoshop, then used the Object Selection tool to get the cross on its own, then made it larger and printed it on an A4 size piece of paper, then glued it to cardboard and cut around it.
I did a page of mental math for this page is acutaly quite fun. My favorite on was the net of a cylinder.
I finished the day off by doing the littlest bit of my website.
Friday 17th March 2023
Today is Saint Patrick’s day so I did Saint Patrick’s day activiteis.
THhe first one was the what is your leprechaun name and my favorite nname was my dad’s name, Wee Nugget Nose.
Then I did a Saint Patrick’s day crossword puzzle and I was not so good but most of it was right.
For the the third thing I made a Limerick which is There once was a young woman called Roisin
Who greedely ate a big baked bean
It was so yummy
It sat in her tummy
The only thing to do next was to SCREAM!
I then did a Birthday card for my Nanna’s friend Ann, Ann’s birthday is on Saint Patrick’s day. (on canva)